Insider trading is, like a lot of white collar crime, hard both to detect and to prove. 内幕交易像许多白领犯罪一样,既难以侦破也难以证明。
The agency is known for its dramatic dawn raids, which lawyers say amount to overkill, given that most of its work today involves white collar crime. 廉署以发起大规模“黎明突袭”闻名,而一些律师认为,鉴于该机构如今大部分调查活动事关白领犯罪,这种做法的杀伤力过重。
Also, unlike other white collar crime violations which concern ongoing violations. 而且不像其他白领犯罪那样集中指向持续性犯罪。
But on his release, Mr Leeson found a new calling: speaking to business school students about his descent into the world of white collar crime. 但被释放之后的利森却发现一个新的邀请:向商学院学生讲述其堕入白领犯罪的故事。
It is about making the students aware of their responsibility, Mr Pavlo says, and taking the mystery out of white collar crime because "they are closer to the edge than they think". 帕夫洛表示,这是为了让学生们意识到自己的责任,从而打破白领犯罪的神秘,因为“他们与悬崖的距离比他们想象的要近”。